Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 4: Securing My Loot

I would love to just get on the carriage and drive it, but that would get me in trouble in record speed. What if they ask me where I am from? I don't know a single settlement's name. I also must look suspicious to these rag-wearers with my high quality apparel that is clearly not manufactured with methods available in such a primitive world. What's more, I can't even drive the carriage.

I take a glance at Mr. Merchant. It would be smart to take his clothes and equip them instead of my 21st century modern apparel but you will never catch me looting a corpse's bloody rags to wear them. Nope, zero chance.

Well I did take the merchant's belt which also hoisted the sword's scabbard in the end. Holding the sword in my hand for who knows how long wouldn't be ideal.

Then I take the crate which holds the textiles to where I was hiding while watching the scene. After thinking a bit I decide to take them even further away as I don't know if the guards or police or whatever it is they call them here, would investigate the surroundings.

After some searching I found a nice hole that is surrounded by bushes and other forest foliage. I grunt as I place the box down. It really is heavy. On a positive note I made the discovery that my new body is much better than my old one. I regain my strength faster, I sweat less than I should.

My back and arms which were hurting a bit from the strain of this laborious activity quickly regained their full vigor.


The process takes about fifteen minutes per box, give or take a few. Every time I move back to the road I wait half a minute while still hidden to check if anyone is coming.

I put two wood figurines and two textile products, one hat and one glove, into my bag to take with me. I intend to ask for their worth in a bigger settlement. I hope I can find the next one today.

Once I'm done I place some fallen leaves and branches on the boxes for good measure. Sadly I don't have a shovel to bury them with dirt. I can only hope no one finds my valuables.

[Thief lvl 1 → 2]

Oh! Nice, I got a level up. It didn't appear when I took them off the carriage, only once I secured them in a hidden spot. It is then safe to assume that simply stealing stuff is not enough, I need to secure my new loot. Of course, that is if I wish to level up my Thief class.

Stealth is OP and, well, I'm very happy to steal from the undeserving rich, I'm somewhat of a Robin Hood after all, without the redistributing to the masses part. I would certainly rather be a thief than a farmer or construction worker.

For one final time I return to the carriage. I pick up the guard's spear and upon closer examination I realize that his helmet is still usable and, most importantly, spotless. I strap the helmet onto my head, feeling a slight comfort knowing I have some barebones protection now. It's not a perfect fit, but it will have to do. With the spear in hand, I look around the scene one last time.

The blood on the ground is already attracting flies, and the forest is eerily quiet.

I need to move quickly. I don't want to linger here any longer than absolutely necessary.

I decide to remain hidden in the forest and travel through the trees rather than walk on the road, moving slowly and cautiously. My goal is to find a settlement where I can assess the value of my newfound items and possibly purchase some essentials. The sun is still high, so I should have enough daylight to make some good distance.

As I walk through the forest, following the road from a distance, I can't help but think about the events that just transpired. The brutal reality of this world is a stark contrast to my previous life. Yet, there's a part of me that feels an immense sense of exhilaration.

The physical vitality of my new body, the thrill of potential danger, the mystery of this world's mechanics and the potential to become an incredibly powerful individual- all of it combines to create a sense of purpose I've never felt before. This is exactly what I was wishing for for years. What I was so greatly missing.

After a couple of hours of walking, I spot a large, imposing structure in the distance. As I get closer, I realize it's a town, fortified with sturdy walls. It looks well-defended, a stark reminder that danger is never far away in this world. I slow my pace, deciding it would be best to observe from a safe distance before making any decisions.

I find a hidden spot in the forest where I can watch the town without being seen. The town is bustling with activity; I can see people moving in and out of the gates, merchants with their carts, and guards patrolling the walls. It's a lively place, but also intimidating for someone like me, who knows little about the world and has no established identity.

I spend hours observing, my mind racing with possibilities. What kind of story should I come up with? A wandering traveler looking for work? A displaced villager seeking refuge? Perhaps I could pose as a simple merchant, though my lack of goods and experience might give me away. The town is big enough that blending in should be possible, but I need to be careful.

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