Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Chapter 21

Episode 21 Level up (1)

The chieftain’s eyes narrow.

It’s also very brutal.

“Where did you hear about the spirit imprint? Isn’t it something young warriors can understand?”

Of course, the first place to learn is the game.

There’s no way that I, who was a deceased person, didn’t know such a simple thing.

But I said it out loud.

“I read it in a book.”

I have already confirmed that the information can be easily found in the books in the library, so I have nothing to bow down to.

“In the book, it is said that the spirit imprinting was very helpful in fighting the fairies during the Holy Relic War—” ”


Interrupting me, the tribal leader burst into a frenzy.

To be honest, I was scared as fuck, but I couldn’t get tired of it because it was a laugh that seemed quite willing.

“You read the book? It’s really interesting! Einar and two of these wonderful guys come out at once!”

Fortunately, in the eyes of the tribal chief, young barbarians who are full of learning enthusiasm seem to be good.

“…If the contents of the book are true, I really want to receive a secret technique.”

“Certainly, if a warrior asks for it, we have no reason to refuse the spirit imprint! But young warrior! There is one problem!”


“It costs a lot of money.”

What was it that I was afraid of?

What are you talking about so seriously?

Spirit engravings require a lot of expensive materials.

There were a lot of things that would be received if there were no materials, not money, for high-level engraving.

“Ha ha ha! It’s a privilege to have come all the way here after reading a book, but you don’t seem to have recognized that far!”

“There is money. How much is it?”

The tribal chief looked at me and said that I was cute.

“The cost of Immortal Engraving must be around 800,000 stones!”

I frowned.

It’s 150,000 stone more expensive than the game.

How can I get it though?

“I’m not paying.”


“Is it really?”

The tribal chief and Einar are flagships at the same time.

Before anything bothered me, I opened my pocket and took out three 500,000 stone notes and 100,000 notes.

At this, a question formed in the tribal chief’s eyes.

“Where did Yandel’s son, Bjorn, get such a large amount of money?”

I would have been embarrassed if I hadn’t asked.

I even came up with a scenario beforehand.

I recounted what happened with Erwen. Roughly speaking, while working on a fairy I met on the 1st floor like a slave, the essence came out by chance, and I was

told that the older

sister paid for it with money…

“You’ll be the first to rob the filthy goblins! Bjorn, the son of Yandel!”

More than expected, the barbarians liked this story.

Einar and the chief of the tribe, as well as the elder from afar, came to his side and smiled.

Is there such a thing as too much?

“Hahahaha! I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve laughed like this!”

Soon the tribal chief took 600,000 stones from my hand.

uh? I’m sure it was 800,000 stones, but…

I tilted my head, and the tribal chief tapped me on the shoulder.

“My present for a young warrior who has shown great qualities!”

It felt like a dislocated shoulder, but the reward was sweet.

In just one word, 200,000 stones!

Like our chief barbarian, he’s hot.

I cried out with sincerity.

“I will continue to fuck the tribes and nobles I see so that they can become even greater warriors!!”

“I’m looking forward to it! Bjorn, the son of the young warrior Yandel!”

Is this why the more you look at it, the more attractive it is?

I’m starting to like the barbarians more and more.


Spirit Imprinting is a type of reinforcement.

The principle is to infuse the ‘spiritual power’ of magic materials into the body to give it special power.

This is also why all barbarians are tattooists.

Did you have to get a tattoo in advance when you were a baby with a relatively clean soul so that you can see your soul circuit even when you become an adult?

It was definitely such a setup.

“I’ll give you a chance to think about it one more time. If you take this path, you will not be able to receive the other path’s spirit imprint. Is that okay?”

“Of course.”

I’m threading all the routes.

So there is nothing to change the decision.

The core of my upbringing method is contained in the high-level imprint of the Undead Path, and even if it is not, all the abilities of the Undead Path are mostly high-performance.

“It looks like the elders have arrived too, so you should go.”

“I will.”

After Einar left, the chief took me to the shaman’s tent.

And then the operation began in earnest.

“Hmm, the circuit is quite clean. If you continue to keep a pure heart, the spirit will give you strong power in the future.”

The sorcerer wearing an eyepatch made an incomprehensible noise and then poked a needle along the tattoo on his upper body.



“Young warrior, don’t hold back and it’s okay to scream. Everyone does that.”

“Oh ah ah ah ah!”

Pain that was 10 times the amount of the potion hit me.

Hell, I thought it was just a tattoo.

Do I have to feel this pain every time I go on a higher path?

“Okay, it’s over. You’re tired, so go out and see.”

The day was already dark when the shaman spat out the words he had been waiting for.

I didn’t even see the tribal chief who brought me.


“It’s the first time a warrior has thanked a shaman.”

huh? Did I do something wrong?

I don’t know, but I quickly came out of the tent before I was caught.

「I have activated the 1st stage of Immortal Imprint. The natural regenerative power greatly increases.」

「Physical value increases by +20.」

Mentally, it is extremely fatigued, but strangely, the body is overflowing with energy.

Is this the power of the soul?

It’s a very strange feeling. I feel like I can feel some unknown power in my body.

I’ll have to check the details later.

“Open the gate!”

Soon after leaving the holy ground and returning to the inn, I tried out my newly acquired abilities a few times before falling asleep.


Another day passed and morning came.

I went back to the business district I had visited with Erwen the other day.

It was to invest all of the remaining 900,000 stones in me with the tribal chief’s hot discount.

“You’re the one who came last time. Are you selling again?”

“No, this time I came to buy it.”

We need a new weapon.

The hammer I got from the old man was sold together last time.

The hand taste wasn’t bad, but the handle was too long to use as a one-handed weapon, so it was uncomfortable.

“I want to see one-handed blunt weapons.”

“It’s a one-handed blunt weapon…….”

After sparring with Einar, I decided that this one suited me better than the bladed one.

Sword weapon skills require proficiency.

Well, if you practice, there’s nothing you can’t do…

In the first place, the weapon itself will only be used in the early stages, so it’s less effective. After I get that ‘essence’ anyway, I plan to focus only on the shield.


The clerk scanned me and showed me a one-handed blunt that didn’t look like a single-handed blunt.

The lightest one seems to be three times heavier than the two-handed hammer that the old man used.

But is this a one-handed blunt weapon?

“It’s a one-handed mace favored by all barbarians.”

Oh, if it were them, it would be nice to die.

Even my shield was an ignorant piece of equipment made entirely of steel.


“I want something a little more normal.”

“All right.”

You don’t have to buy such a stupid thing.

It would be self-evident that with a weapon like that, the destructive power of each shot would be several times higher than it is now, but…….

The monsters on the first floor are already one-shot, one-kill.

It’s not like you’re fighting a large monster, so there’s a good chance that it’ll be cumbersome to wear a weapon like this.

“How about these?”

Soon the clerk brought out new weapons.

Of course, these were also things that were far from the general standard, but this would be just right for a barbarian’s body.

I chose a moderately ignorant sized mace.

“How much is this?”

“250,000 stones.”


The last time I sold 6 people’s weapons was only 350,000?

As he frowned, the clerk added a comment.

“The crafting difficulty itself is not high, but the steel content is high, so it can’t be helped.”

oh yes i guess

I was convinced

Although not without words.

“If you adjust the price to 220,000 stones, I will buy it right away.”

When I try to bargain, the clerk looks at me curiously.

…how the hell do barbarian puppies live like hukou?

“Anyway, these weapons won’t even be sold.”

“Barbarians often visit it.”

Well, I don’t know if it was the first time I showed you.

The barbarians I know don’t pick things that are vague like this.

Above all, most of the barbarians preferred blades like axes rather than blunt weapons.

After adding such grounds, the clerk agreed to the bargain so easily that he fainted.

“Okay. I sell it for 220,000 stones.”

…Shouldn’t have called 200,000?

“The overall item level rises by +85.”

Anyway, after that, I went around and bought two more pieces of equipment.

First of all, half armor.

「The overall item level rises by +57.」

The shape is easy to think of as a bulletproof vest made of flat steel. The price was 360,000 stones, and I was able to get it cheaply because it was just the right size.

If it was made to order, I probably should have paid twice as much.

Like the second helmet I bought.

“It will take about three days. Write down the address and send it to someone.”

In the case of a helmet, it had to be custom-made because it had to fit perfectly on the head.

Instead of giving up the design altogether, we were able to reach an agreement relatively cheaply with 170,000 stones.

「Overall item level rises by +47」

As a result, about 50,000 stones remained.

…I don’t think I’ll be able to eat meat in the future.


My daily routine has been set.

Wake up at 7 am.

And breakfast with Erwen.

“Wow, there are potatoes in the stew today!”

“But why do you always have breakfast here?”

“Isn’t that delicious and cheap?”

After dinner, I go straight to the library.

If you walk slowly, you can enter as soon as it opens at 8:00.


I was quite used to receiving magic from this chronically fatigued female librarian.

“Then do your best.”


Of course, I haven’t had a proper conversation yet.


After reading until 4:00 p.m., if possible, have a simple meal at the first restaurant you go to.

Well, this place is expensive and tasteless.

There are a lot of explorers, so it’s good to overhear their conversation.

“Is Einar still there?”

“Yes! Until then, I’ll deal with you!”

After a rough meal, go to the barbarian quarters and it’ll be around 5 o’clock. From the 7th day of training

, I started sparring with other barbarians.


was far from the systematic fighting technique I expected, but……

Fighting with barbarians, whose instincts and intuition were extremely developed, was of great help to me as a result.

I am also a barbarian.

” Reflexes slightly improve with repeated training.”

“Flexibility slightly improves with repeated training.” “Dynamic vision

improves with repeated training.”


Now I have a sense of how to use this body.

“Yandel’s son, Bjorn, won


He is definitely good at it, but there is a downside that the pattern is constant.

He gave me advice, but it seems like it has already hardened like a habit and he can’t easily fix it.

“I’m tired! I’m going to bed!”

“Me too!”

“A wise warrior knows when to rest!”

At 9:00 PM, the sparring, reminiscent of a real battle, comes to an end.

Then, I return to my inn with my body covered in sweat and dirt. Go.

By the time you get out of the shower, Erwen will come again.

“Mister! Wash up quickly! The food will cool down!”


Not every day, but five times a week, we meet once more in the evening to have a meal and talk.

Most of the content is a response to what Erwen did and how he felt during the day. “Isn’t it annoying to walk for an hour every time?” “Not


one? It’s cheap and delicious here!”

It’s cheap and delicious.

I don’t know why I’m here, leaving my sister who makes a lot of money behind.

“I ate well!”

After finishing the meal like that, it’s around 11 o’clock.


“Then good night. Oh, and I can’t come tomorrow either.”

“Even if I did, I wouldn’t have met you. We’ll be busy tomorrow.

This was my day-to-day routine.

Checking the time, I quickly went up to my room and immediately fell on the bed.

A month has already passed.



There are about 24 hours left until the labyrinth opens.


「Bjorn Yandel」

Level: 1

Body: 46 (New +21) / Mind: 36 / Ability: 1

Item Level: 202 (New +185)

Overall Combat Index: 133.5 (New +67.25)

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